DataPivot Difference: Test and Validation Lab

 The DataPivot test and validation lab is primarily used to design and build our purpose-built, high performing DataPivot appliances. We also utilize the lab for testing and validating all new Commvault Feature Releases and unique (often challenging) use cases that customers want to see before implementing into their environment.  The new test and validation lab is also a vehicle for our engineers to “Sharpen their Saw.”  Below are examples of what we’ve tested in our lab over the past year.

  • Feature Release Testing

  • Ransomware test & validation

  • Bare Metal Restores –Windows | Linux

  • Physical to Virtual Implementation for DR and App Migration

  • Bare Metal Restore with a Twist (Oracle ASM)

  • Database backups including MSFT Seq, Oracle, MYSQL, Hadoop and more

  • Office 365 for Commvault

  • Activate for File Servers and Exchange

  • Live Sync replication

  • Test Recovery for industry-leading hypervisors

If you have a use case you want to test out, let your DataPivot sales rep know or contact